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Friday, June 28, 2013

Tesla Quote

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, 

it will make more progress in one decade than in all the 

previous centuries of its existence. ~Nikola Tesla

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

T-Bob Tuesday

Tabby coming down the driveway on a Bingo walk:

Aaaand this is where he stops:

He loves a good dirt bath!

Monday, June 24, 2013

B-Dog & R-Boy

Bingo had a vizzie with RoRo. As soon as he walks in, Rowan is looking for the leash!  Looking for it because I hide it when he comes; it's the first thing he says. "Hi Auntie, Haha. Can I walk Mango?"
Yes, Sweetie. Yes, you can:

LOOK!  A baby toad!

Aaaaand back to walking:

Guest appearance by T-Bob:
"Watch your phalanges, Rowan!"

Back to the house:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Naturey-Type Pix

Yeah, I know. Get my camera setting off that green rectangle! 
 Red bud leaves:

Love these trees with their heart-shaped leaves.
 See the toad?
Blending in.


It flew off before Tabby could get it. 
What's this?

See the 4-leaf clover?  Above the rock. 
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!  :-)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Featured Artist: Sonya Gonzalez

Artist Sonya & I connected via labyrinths, when I sent her directions on how to draw them. And LOOK at her artwork! She calls these collage labyrinths:

Flower Labyrinth & frame.
You can see (and buy) her artwork at her Etsy shop. And she has another website with more of her artwork: Cards by Sonya. Her art work is so cheery and full of whimsy. I thought as I was scrolling thru that it's reminiscent of Chagall, one of my favourite artists. And then look at this collage labyrinth:

The Chagall Labyrinth; collaged Chagall calendar & Sonya's art work. BEAUTIFUL.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bingo & Tabby on Monday

Walkies with Bingo & Tabby

Down to the lake and over the log:

Here's Bingo scoping out something:

She hears something:
Furrowed brow.
And then something else:
"What's that?"  So many sights, sounds . . . 
and smells!

The lake:

T-Bob on the pier:

Bingo investigating under the pier while Tabby continues his Groom Fest.
Back up the trail:

Another day, another walk:
Out the front door. Tabby goes scritchy-scratch.

And then comes to join us up the driveway:

And back down to the lake:

T-Bob on the pier.

B-Dog down below.
Sometimes Bingo gets the leash wrapped around a branch or tree:

Tabby coming to join us, oblivious to the Challenges of the Leash:
Doing catish things, balancing on a branch.
All is well.  :-)