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Saturday, August 30, 2014

HAPPY Anniversary!

1969 Xmas card.

In Australia

Digging with Judy.

With Prim.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Doggie Monday

It's been an uneventful week of no more destruction from my little beagle boy. Just the usual:

More Yogurt Containers
In the olden days, I used to finish one of these off & hand it to Bingo.
Now I have to wait til I've eaten THREE so that each dog has one!
 Here's Buddy with his:

Those ears!

Reggie outside with his waiting for him:
Doggie Monday Haiku:
Yogurt containers
on the porch waiting
For more dog chewing.

Hours of entertainment!
 Sleepy girl:

Will wake for belly rubs:

Back to yogurt container entertainment:

Inside . . . 
 . . . and outside:

Happy boy Reggie.

Buddy eating Reggie's food!

Zzzzzz . . . 

Bully Sticks!
Mari reminded me of bully sticks, so I ordered some. The dogs LOVE these, but oh do they smell. "Here, guys! Take your bully sticks & go outside."  Here they are:

Reggie takes his chewing-eating things outside, tho.
 RoRo Vizzie


On The Sofa

Here he is, sitting like a cat, with legs curled under:

On The Recliner

Fun With Chiro-Sis

This is hysterical. I'm in another room & I hear a "help me" Roo-Roo from Buddy. 
I come to see what's going on, and this:
"Help me get the cat food I'm not supposed to eat."

 And that's been our week. I finally caught Buddy at the beginning of a leg lift & yelled, "Hey!" Down went the leg and I escorted him outside. "Big beagle boys go outside, Buddy."  Speaking of being outside, he's usually pretty good about coming when I call him. Except when he knows I'm leaving. So I'll call the dogs to come in and he hangs back and won't come in. Unlike any of my other dogs, I can pick this one up. So I do, which he doesn't like and finds undignified. But then as I'm holding him, he leans his head on my shoulder. Ah, heart melt.

One last photo. Here's Bingo hanging out on the back porch in one of her spots. And Reggie:

HAPPY Monday!  :-)