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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Reflection

It's the last day of 2014!  This is an exercise from The 2015 Labyrinth Journal: 

This is a good time to go thru your current journal or calendar to reflect back on the year. Reflection gives a sense of perspective; it shows where you’ve been and can give some insights into where you want to go.

What did you accomplish that you’re really proud of?  It’s easy to forget progress when you’re not where you want to be.  List at least 5 things that you did, big or small.

What would you like more of in 2015?

What would you like less of?

What did you enjoy?

What would you like to continue?

What would you like to stop?

What new thing(s) would you like to begin?

What were your favourite things that happened this year?

Here's one of mine:
Buddy & Reggie meeting for the first time.
RoRo Vizzies:
Perfect timing! Rowan didn't know Buddy was yawning! 
My sweet Bingo-Dingo:


Monday, December 29, 2014

Doggie Monday

I have to say, no major destruction from the beagle boy this week. Just the usual. Can't have tissue boxes within reach, or open trash bins. Or shoes. Boy does he have me trained! You know what's cute? When he growls in his sleep. He doesn't even do it when he's awake. And then his little feet start twitching. SO CUTE!

Cheap Toys
Yogurt containers, milk cartons & this:
Tube left over from wrapping paper.

I got a package, so Buddy had some fun:

The LR was a WRECK! But it was all in good fun.  :-)

This was funny. I gave Buddy an olive:

He took it to his bed:
"Perhaps this will taste better here."  But no. Buddy does not like olives.
 Gratuitous Boudoir Shots
Because there have not been enough of these!
Buddy & Tabby, keeping the peace. Sharing the sheepskin. 


In The Office
Tabby looking up at the printer. "What is THAT?"

We've continued to have temperate weather; perfect for hanging out on the back deck:

His tail goes swishy-swish. :-)
I didn't put my jammies away fast enough:

Xmas prezzies! Costco has Bully sticks again!

 Another shot of Buddy, but I was trying to get him to pose with a hat:

It didn't really work out:

I tried a coupla times, but then he just went after the tassel-ball:

 Bingo was a bit more cooperative:

Sort of.

I didn't even try to put a hat on Reggie! And the hat is too big for Tabby. And that was Christmas. Rita asked me a coupla weeks ago if I was going to get a Christmas tree. Husband Lee laughed and said, "Can you imagine BUDDY with a Christmas tree?!"  Hahahaha  Exactly. First, he'd mark it. Then he'd take all the ornaments off. And then he'd prolly try to climb the tree. So no tree this year. Because of Buddy. Yeah, that's why. HAPPY Monday & HAPPY almost New Year!  :-) 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Joe Dispenza Interview

Some good Joe Dispenza brainy stuff!  Fast forward thru the first 10 minutes of chit-chat from the host. Unless you speak Spanish and find it interesting.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Doggie Monday

Progress this week!  Reggie has been coming to greet me at the door (at the door!!!) when I come home. He's right there with the rest of the dogs. Licking my knees. As you do. When you're Reggie.

Here's my view one day out the window:
Reggie sitting up. Bingo on the right.



In The Office
He comes in to say hi.
 Whatchya lookin' at, Buddy?

Oh.  Tabby.
Doing the Snoopy Chin Rest:

 As you can see, Reggie is in 'n' out a lot:

Zzzzz . . . . 

Changing positions:

Tabby begins the Groom Fest:

Waking up Buddy:

But then he dozes back to sleep:

Then awake:

But . . . 

Slowly . . .

Tabby still grooming:


Aaaaand . . .

Zzzzz . . . .

More progress; Reggie on the labyrinth rug next to me.
Even if he wouldn't cooperate for a photo!
Leaving Buddy behind:

In the Living Room
Mum gave me these great cardboard pieces to use in the wood stove. Here's one:

Thanks, Mum!
In the Boudoir
Buddy & Tabby both help me to put things away; Buddy because he'll chew it. And Tabby because he'll just get it all hairy. *sigh*  Here he is in the laundry basket:

 As you can see, I disturbed him:

Sharing the Bed:

We've spent a lot of time outside. The weather has been really nice; crisp but sunny. Here's Buddy playing with an acorn (or something)!


Yes, washed out in the afternoon sun . . . .

One more because it's Buddy & he's such a cutie-pie:
See? Total cutie-pie. Love this little guy. :-) 
HAPPY Monday!