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Thursday, March 29, 2018
First Night of Toads Trilling
Spring has sprung and the frogs have been singing all week! Last night, the toads joined in for the first time. Also featured, sounds from my dogs and neighbor dogs! :-)
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Lulu Photo Shoot
This is the second time I've taken photos of Lulu. Here's the first photo shoot.
Going for walk:
Looking like she's on the catwalk. |
Looking at Dad. |
The my friend and Ed's wife, Janet joined us for a few pix:
Here are the Waterlogue pix:
Also saw a blue bird on the walk:
But this is still my favourite:
Friday, March 16, 2018
Classics Booksmith Challenge
This is my Booksmith tome for the Nik the Booksmith Classics Challenge:
To learn how to make your own Booksmith journals, check out Nik's Teachable courses.
To see all the other journals for the challenge (and be blown away by their talent)! click HERE for the playlist.
Monday, March 12, 2018
Magnolia May's Guide to Junk Journaling
Magnolia May DeSolay gives her take on Junk Journaling. There will most likely need to be a Part 2!
Links to things 'n' people mentioned:
Nik The Booksmith:
Jibid Neary:
Jibid's digi-kits:
I'm A Cool Mom:
Tracie Fox:
Nazy at Amity Bloom: