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Monday, October 22, 2007

Canoe Visitors

I was tippy-tapping on my computer yesterday when there was a knock on the door. Living in the wilderness, as I do, I don't get surprise-door-knockers. And there standing on my front porch with a big SMILE was my chiro-sister Ruthie. I knew she was on a camping/canoing trip for the weekend nearby, but she had said they prolly wouldn't be stopping by. But there she was. "I couldn't paddle past your house without at least stopping by and saying hello." I said, "Would you care for some indoor plumbing before you go back to the river?" YES!!!

Now, side note here, and really, it's paragraph-worthy. We are not happy campers. We are not *any* kind of campers. For most of our childhood we lived in an old boyscout camp, and until our dome was built, we lived out of our camping trailer. My sister Maggie said that her son's boyscout troup did "Parking Lot Camping." They even ordered pizza for one of the nights! She said, "There's no pizza in camping. I want my son eating bark off a tree if he's hungry!" So, you see, we've done camping. But perhaps when you know it's only for a weekend, and you'll return to civilization at the end of it, and you'll be with your sweetheart and friends, it's not so bad. AND it was THE perfect weekend to go: warm, sunny, BEAUTIFUL fall colours.

Ruthie, Ian, & puppy Alvis
P.S. Go check out the Grasshopper for the Extraordinary Coincidence that happened in NYC. John wrote about it and gave a very EL-oquent report of Eckhart Tolle. BTW, when I said I'm not a fan, I don't mean I dislike him. While I resonate with his message, I just haven't read his books. It's kind of like Conversations with God. I prefer to have XM Radio Guy tell me about it. I read the first book years ago, but just don't feel drawn to read the rest. AND I interpret other books for XM Radio Guy. What can I say? Sorry Eckhart, I'm really more of a Bruce Lipton gal!

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