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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Heart Rocks

My friends Bess & Val are here for the weekend. Bess is my dear GSF from massage therapy school & her hubby is also my web-guy. He commented v. dryly as he was surveying my collection of heart rocks in my bay window, "Hearts seem to be as important to you as labyrinths." This is a shot of the cross part of my labyrinth. The center rock is one I salvaged from my first labyrinth in WV, and I have some great chunks of quartz. The center ring of the labyrinth is all heart rocks, too. Will show a pic of that sometime... altho, Mum says you have to use your imagination with some of them. haha
Bess & I are off to a bookfair...great barns FULL of books!! Ah, heaven! Yay, us!

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