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Friday, December 14, 2007

Blog Hopping

I had so much FUN yesterday checking out all the ornaments for Ornament Thursday! I'm such a fan of blogs: reading about the creative processes of other artists is so inspiring. I was going to welcome a friend to the Blogging World, but this person is not ready-for-primetime just yet. So I will wait to make a big announcement--but let me just say, there are some of you out there who are going to be SO EXCITED when I tell you. But I promised Mystery Blogger I wouldn't say anything until this person is ready.

See? Not even a gender hint!

It's in The Vault.

In the meantime, I found this clip of my boss, John Morgan on You Tube. It's from one of his seminars. Entertaining AND educational. My favourite combo.

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YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali