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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ornament Thursday

This is a variation on last week's theme--and then I promise I'm doing something completely different! No really--just wait til you see! I've been sorting through family photos and I LOVE the ones I have of Mum's family. I've always had in the back of my mind that I would do a family quilt with them (yeah, THAT's happening). In the meantime, I was so inspired by Margot's ornament of her grandmother that I thought I could do something if I created a system for whipping these up fast. So this is how to do it using Publisher:

* Create a template: 6 circles with squares to fit inside. (My squares are 2" X 2")
* Copy photos and then crop them to be square.
* Insert photos into the different squares.
* Print on card stock (you could use different colors like red & then you don't have to...

* Paint around pictures (I also used a metallic pen)
* Score around the squares.
* Cut out circles and paste together.

Each ornament follows a different theme: great-aunties, grandmother's wedding, my mother & her sister, etc. You could do this all by hand and colour-copy photos and physically cut & paste photos to fit into the squares. It was just a bit more stream-lined & quicker to do it on the computer. Then I just painted, cut, glued while watching Ellen & Oprah.

And this is what they look like:

P.S. I've successfully failed to upload the template, so I'm going to give up and get this posted!

P.P.S. To check out all the other creative artists who are participating, go to Margot's blog for a listing.


  1. Thanks, Linda! Happy Holidays!
    :-) H.

  2. Oh Hali!

    These are exquisite. How delightful!

    What a wonderful way to treasure your family.


  3. I love the family tree theme! What a great idea, and the holidays are all about family, right?

  4. Margot~Merci, ma cherie! Tu ROQUE!

    Melissa, YES! It's all about family and the LOVE in our hearts. :-) H.

  5. now that's what I call a family tree!

  6. THANKS so much for stopping by, Michelle! Alexa, that would make a great book--The Christmas Family Tree: family-inspired ornaments. Hmmm.... :-) H.

  7. Hali,

    I love all things vintage, so of course I'm lovin' these! Fabulous!

  8. Pretty ornaments with great memories -- what a wonderful idea.

  9. THANKS Rebecca & Kriss! BTW, Rebecca: I loved your snowman! I would have said so on your blog, but I've yet to create a Wordpress account. I long would it take, right? So for now I'm one of those blog-lurkers. ;-) And I LOVED Kriss's paper-inspired ornament--so pretty! :-) H.


YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali