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Monday, December 24, 2007

Xmas Gath

We started a Christmas tradition of having our family celebration the Saturday-before-Christmas so that my sibs-with-kids can stay home on Christmas day and enjoy it without having to rush anywhere. We do a potluck buffet. I brought a bucket of hummus & veggies. Mum made her famous homemade mac & cheese and a Gluten Free (GF) version for my chiro-sister Ruthie and me.

We have a rule that we make gifts or don't spend over $20 per person. There's a lot of creativity in the fam! Books are a favourite gift, or course. This year I gave out my new CD, family photo ornies, and the Stephen Colbert Ornament of Truthiness, and hand made truffles. One of my bros made Gluten Free biscotti. OMG!!! De-lish!

And this is what I'll leave you with: my other brother created his own packaging with boxes of crackers. This will not be funny unless you know what Soylent Green is. So read this before moving on.

OK, so now you know what Soylent Green is, right? Because whenever you have to explain a joke, it's just not funny. And it's too much work, besides. OK, so this is what my brother gave me:

"Now with more girls." Get it? hahaha

Not pictured, but listed on the side are the ingredients: Celiacs. hahaha Merry Almost Christmas!

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