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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Drinking Whole System EEP Like Water

Ignatia is the homeopathic remedy for grief. Whole System EEP is Dr. Brimhall's homepathic remedy for anxiety, depression, energy loss, emotional balance. Barkley used to be so scared of thunder storms she would shake and her teeth would chatter. EEP calmed her right down. It's like a high-powered Rescue Remedy. I have been taking both and Thurssday afternoon I grabbed Everyday Soul by Bradford Keeney off the bookcase and headed for a long bath.

I've put flower essences in my bath before, so I did the same with the Ignatia & EEP. Yes, I literally took a bath in them. I kept opening the book randomly and came to the following passages:

One of the most powerful guides to heartful seeing is to carry an awareness of the inevitability of everyone’s death. You and everyone you meet will die someday and remembering this fact can be a strong wake-up call to feel differently about how we relate to one another. Given that our time on earth is precious and limited, how can we afford not to see through our hearts? Is there time to waste on heartless observation when our time with one another is so brief?
Open your heart to others so they may learn to see you through their heart. When two hearts see one another, each is given a spiritual blessing. This is the closest we get to seeing through the eyes of our Creator. As you learn to see this way, you will find yourself falling in love with the world.

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The purest and truest spiritual life begins with accepting everything that comes to you as a gift and teaching. As Mother Teresa reminds us, this includes sickness and all possible misfortunes. The most difficult times sometimes bring the most important teachings. Each lesson is another step toward learning how to accept what comes to us as material to be transformed into the grace of spiritual light.
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Everything in life is a teacher with a lesson that is perfectly made for you during the time in which it is received. We are never given more than we can bear. Grace, the divine presence and generosity of spirit, befalls those whose hands are open to receive it. The work of spirit is toward making graceful outcomes and blessing all that we receive in life. It steps away from seeing problems that need to be solved and difficulties that must be surmounted. Spirituality embraces all of life, its upsides and downsides, and does so with the serenity and calmness of a still but powerful compassion for the whole creation.
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Spirit touches and moves our lives through the mystery of love and relationship. Holding both ecstasy and suffering, a spirited soul embraces all the longings of the heart. As Rumi poetically captures this:

Listen to the moan of a dog for its master.
That whining is the connection.
There are love dogs
No one knows the names of.
Give your life to be one of them.

And then I turned to a story (slightly paraphrased for you) about a dog. A DOG. [Cue boo-hooing with violins]

An old, crippled dog approached an elderly man in a park. This man had never experienced love in his entire life. The dog says that he has 3 days left to live, and more than anything he wants to experience being loved by his master. "I want this so much that I have learned how to speak so someone could hear my request. I have searched the world for a person who would understand my situation, and I think you understand what it is not to have love in your life...You don't have to really love me. It would be fine for you to pretend that you love me." So they spend the next 3 days together and the old man gives him the best food and takes him special places in the park and lets him sleep with him at night while he rubbed his belly and sings songs.

At the end of the 3 days, the dog says, "You have truly cared for me and I am most grateful. You have enabled me to open my heart. For the first time I know what it feels like to love someone." The old man began weeping and replied, "I, too, have learned to love and have never felt more alive." At that moment a shaft of bright white light entered the old man's apartment window and transformed itself into a staircase to the sky. A voice from above was heard by all the neighbors, "Come, both of you, unto my house. You have prepared the ground for your hearts to enter the kingdom of light." The old man with the dog by his side walked all the way up that staircase of light and disappeared into the clouds.

Dogs put the UN in unconditional LOVE and open our hearts in a way that only they can do.

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