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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Treasure in the Labyrinth

I chose a theme word for this year: treasure. As a noun, it denotes something special, perhaps hidden. It's also a verb: you treasure a person or thing. I've been reading Eckhart Tolle's book about life purpose and thinking that I want to do something on that theme for my next CD.

Remi and I had a little ritual: as I would begin to walk the labyrinth, he would go rub up against the bush at the side of the porch. When I got to the center, he would trot over to me and sit down and lean into me while I pet him.

You know those quiet moments of peace where there are no thoughts or concerns? This was one of them. Looking out at the mountain with the sun on my face, Remi leaning into me. *sigh* LOVEly. And then I heard "Treasure in the labyrinth." That is what I felt. When we went back into the house, I started to write. I thought I was going to write a script, but this poem came through instead. Not the sing-songy rhymes I usually get. Just as I finished up, Mum was at the door and the rest of the day unfolded. It was Remi's last gift to me before he crossed over.


What is your treasure?
Hidden inside,
Waiting to be discovered?
Uncovered? Recovered?
What is your dream?
What do you aspire?
It is your treasure
That you treasure.
It is your life’s journey,
Your path, your purpose.
It is waiting for you
To take the leap
Into the unknown
Into the darkness
Into the void that creates
The SPACE for you to grow
Into your BEAUTY
You are the gem that has
Been tossed and polished
by the storms of your doing
And undoing.

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