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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ornament Thursday: MOTHERHOOD

I love looking at families and picking out familiar features through the generations. My mother and my sister look like twins from different time periods. I have all these wonderful photos of my mother's side of the fam & I love to get creative with them. I've wanted to do a book featuring family photos with stories, poems, and recipes for a while. And since this month's OT theme was motherhood, I got the inspiration to trace through 5 generations from my great grandmother to my niece.

This was my first attempt at doing an altered book. [Note to altered book artists out there: I welcome your advice & feedback--like what kinda glue do YOU use????] Back to the project: I chose an old Spanish textbook, which is appropriate since my great-grandmother's grandmother was Spanish. I printed out photos in black and white onto matte photo paper and then coloured them with coloured pencils. I used acrylic paints, metalic markers, and sparkley dimensional paint. I used regular glue and glued 5 pages together for each section for the first half of the book. Then I cut out a frame (you'll see) in the last half of the book.

Cover of book.

Mum's mum. Sparkley paint is not translating well in photo!

Niece & grandmother together.

After doing this water theme of Mum, I think I'll turn her into a mermaid!

Favourite photo of Mum & niece on left. Sister Mag & niece on right.

OK, let me splain. The end of the book is a family joke. When we were very young, we used to love to sift through Mum's jewelry box. My youngest sister Mag was about 5 at the time, and she would hold up some trinket and say v. innocently, "Mum, when you die, can I have this?" So that's the punchline at the end of the book.

For links to see the rest of the OT gang, click here.


  1. What a great project...and I had to laugh at the darling daughter, Emma, used that on me when she was 4 about jewelry as well...only she pointed up to the sky.

  2. Kids just call 'em like they see 'em, don't they? Cracks me up!

    Your altered book is such a great tribute. The kind of glue I use depends on what I'm sticking to the pages. I use an acid free glue stick for photos.

    Beware - you start looking at books in a whole different way!

  3. Great project! You're book looks wonderful and it's so meaningful. Very nice!

  4. Lisa, that's so cute!

    Katie, thanks for the tip. And YES! I am looking at books completely differently!!! :-) H.

  5. Lisa... this is super awesome great!!! I love, love, love it and I love altered books!

  6. Michelle Thanks! I LOVEd your project--I have a lot to learn!
    :-) Hali-not-Lisa ;-)


YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali