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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day of Rest: Mum's B-day

The whole fam was here & we each brought part of the meal. Chiro-sister brought the BEST wild-Alaskan-salmon. I made a green salad & Brother H made a HUGE fruit salad. Sister M came with her famous chocolate cake, yummy artichoke dip and a jar of pickles. She insisted we all eat our quota because she wanted the glass jar. Can you believe that pickles have high fructose corn syrup? Pickles?! Mum had requested "nothing" for her birthday, so we got her a computer, which Brother D set up. She didn't know she wanted one, but I think she's happy with it! I love getting together with the sibs and having the 'member when stories. 20 years from now, all the nieces & nephews will be doing the same thing. Love that! :-) H.

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