I ran in to the house to get my camera, and she waited for me. She's about 5 feet-ish & judging by the lumpiness in the middle, it looks like she'd just had lunch. I'm glad to know that I have black snakes around because they keep away the copperheads & rattle snakes. Then as I was walking back to the house with laundry basket in tow, I saw this:
Click Below for...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I ran in to the house to get my camera, and she waited for me. She's about 5 feet-ish & judging by the lumpiness in the middle, it looks like she'd just had lunch. I'm glad to know that I have black snakes around because they keep away the copperheads & rattle snakes. Then as I was walking back to the house with laundry basket in tow, I saw this:
Monday, September 29, 2008
My Best Friend's Girl
This is a silly, vulgar, delicious movie, starring Kate Hudson, Jason Biggs, & Dane Cook. How do you get back the girl who dumped you? Give her some perspective with a truly horrible date from Tank, played by Dane Cook. There are lots of funny moments, like when Tank takes a v. religious gal to a pizza place called Cheesus Crust. In the restaurant, there's a variation on da Vinci's Last Supper painting with Jesus holding out 2 pizzas. I think my favourite scene is when Kate Hudson's roommate tells her: You have to listen to that small, inner voice inside you. Lest you think she's going all woo-woo spiritual, she clarifies: It's the voice of your clamburger.
Throughout the movie, The Cars are in the background; Here she comes again.... I'm a sucker for that song because back in my Mary Wash. daze, I used to play keyboards in Attitude Exchange, a new wavy-ish band. And this was one of the songs that we did. So it was a fun movie to watch, definitely worth a rainy afternoon matinee. :-) H.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day of Rest: Down by the River
We've had quite a bit of rain which means that my internet service is inconsistent. Yesterday, I couldn't get anything posted. Today: so far, so good! This is a shot down by the river. I was on the way to the postbox and here she comes....so sweet. Back tomorrow with a movie review of My Best Friend's Girl.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Yummy Pumpkins
Here's what I do:
Cut the pumpkin in chunks and put on a cookie sheet. Cover with aluminum foil to keep it consistent. Bake at 350 for an hour or so.
You can eat it like you'd eat acorn squash: mashed with butter & a dash of salt.
I scoop out the flesh and put it in a big bowl & use a hand blender to smooth it out.
- Add it to pancakes or muffins
- For kids, you can use it in macaroni & cheese for added nutrition & fiber. They'll never know.
- Pumpkin soup--lots of varieties: savory with basil, garlic, etc. Cream of pumpkin soup. You can also make it as a soup base to make veggie soup, chicken soup, etc. My favourite pumpkin soup is adding curry for a spicy Indian theme.
- You can also go sweet: cinnamon, honey, butter
- Serve it chilled, like a custard
Thursday, September 25, 2008
And can I just say?
This was actually a card I got by mistake. It must have belonged to the person ahead of me in line, and the cashier gave it to me instead. In any case, it did not go to waste! It got the laugh I was looking for. On the inside I thanked him for letting me & SIL celebrate his b-day with Kathy Griffin.
This is the wrapping for his gift. Hot Wheels paper! I orginally got this from XM Radio Guy & we've passed it back 'n' forth a coupla times. Brother D said, "Oooooh...Hot Wheels!" And the gift inside:
Original 1992 Simpson Halloween masks with all your favourite characters! And now for something completely different:
Watching her is like having a conversation with her. Did you see [fill-in-the-blank TV show]? And then she gives her quirky, irreverant observations. She talks about her box-of-wine mother, her experiences at the Emmy's, encounters with celebrities, opinions on current events. It was all v. entertaining. So here's the thing--and an unexpected gift of insight from a night with Kathy. She would do a quickie imitation of Sarah Palin (spot on!), and then she'd say, "I've got lots on Sarah later. Don't worry, I'll get to her." She said that a coupla times. She told this hysterical story of sharing a dressing room with Pamela Anderson and then: that was the end of the show. And SIL said in the car, "She never got to Sarah Palin." And here's the thing: she didn't talk about a lot of things, but she didn't put those things on our radar. She didn't give us the idea that she'd be talking about Celine Dion or American Idol. And then not do it. So even tho it was an AWESOME performance, it felt like there was something missing. If she'd never said more on Sarah Palin later, we'd not have been waiting for it. Something to think about when we make promises or suggestions....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
OK, So here's the deal:
SIL & I discovered that we share a guilty pleasure: My Life on the D-List. So Brother D scored us tickets to go see Kathy tonight! YAY, us! And he's sending us with his friend who happens to be gay. How perfect is that? We have our own gay to take to Kathy's show!
BTW, it's Brother D's birthday today. I asked him what he wanted and he said, "You know what I'd really like? I'd like to stay home and babysit the kids while my wife & friend go out with my sister." Hahahaha
Monday, September 22, 2008
What gives you energy? What depletes you? What is life-enhancing to one person can be depleting to another. It all depends. It's about tuning in to yourself and paying attention. So this is the exercise we did:
- On one side of the paper, list all the things that enhance your vitality: situations, activities, people. (e.g. laughter, great conversations, learning new things, naps)
- On the other side, list all the things that deplete you.
- Put a star beside the ones you do everyday.
- Circle the ones you'd like to add to your daily routine on the Vitality side.
- Create an action plan. (e.g. daily exercise, listen to more music, dance)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Day of Rest
except when I don't.
I'm out the door for a day with Reiki friends. Yay! Back tomorrow. Have a BEAUTY-ful day of rest! :-) H.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I'm at Mum's & I'm off to be a Soccer Auntie. Back tomorrow . . . .
*Sorbet refers to a cleansing of the palette. I thought this quote v. refreshing!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Protect Our Children
Hundreds of thousands of children are victims of sexual abuse each year. Due to the sheer lack of resources, law enforcement is unable to follow up on the majority of leads they have.The PROTECT Our Children Act will:
Authorize over $320 million over the next five years in desperately needed funding for law enforcement to investigate child exploitation.
Mandate that child rescue be a top priority for law enforcement receiving federal funding.
Allocate funds for high-tech computer software that can track down Internet predators.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Forgetting the Bad
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My heart is heavy. The content doesn't really matter, it is more of a wishing things to be other than they are. John says in today's BRILLIANT blog post:
Accept natural endings and you’ll never endure the pain of staying at the party too long.
What good does it do to complain about the leaves changing? Time to focus on the BEAUTY of Autumn. Time to focus on gratitude. Time to look beyond myself.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
On my walk...
I have a knack for finding 4-leaf clovers. Last year, I found 11 in a row within 2 minutes. And this year? What is wrong? I haven't found a 4-leaf clover all summer! John said that's like someone complaining they haven't gotten a hole-in-one in the last 6 months. Hali, some people never find a 4-leaf clover. Oh . . . right. . . .do you have a talent or skill that comes so easily that you think it's common? Doesn't everyone get a hole-in-one? Then on Saturday on my walk, I looked down, and there was a 4-leaf clover. So I've decided I'm not going to pick them anymore. I'll just take a picture. So here you go. A little luck for the day!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Day of Rest: Grasshopper on Goldenrod
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Happy Friday
I was going to send a link of Andrew Johnston's audition for Britain's Got Talent to Mum. But then I'll get the "it didn't work" email back. So I'm going to post it here:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I would hazard a guess that there will be lots of articles and specials on TV marking today's anniversary. There is no easy answer, but I do know this: when we feel peace within, we carry it into the world.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hungary Mum
A crew of 17 people from around the globe gather for 10 days to work on a new home. The house was a bunch of sticks-out of-the-ground when they started, according to Mum. I LOVE hearing Mum's stories when she gets back from a trip. [Favourite line from her Tasmania trip when her friend was fearfully backseat driving: Oh shut up, Judy and hold onto the Jesus handle!] The one that made me LAUGH was when Mum says, v. innocently, "Well, I volunteered to work on the roof, but I didn't get to." Faithful readers of this blog will recall her Roof Adventures.
She didn't protest too much because it was so HOT. Mum is not a hot-weather gal, but she is also v. English with a stiff-upper-lip. No that's all right, I'll be fine. Just let me WILT over here a bit....Instead she dug ditches. With a pick ax. And mixed cement: 37 shovels of sand to 1 bag of concrete. Pour into ditch.
At the end of the day, they went around and gave a highlight of the day. One day she said, "I was screwing all day." Hahahaha That's her blonde moment for the day. Someone told her that they had come up with the Anne Holliday Effect. Essentially it means to work harder, get more energy, laugh. She was the eldest, & there were a coupla college gals. Mum remarked that they both had sunglasses that cost $350. $350 for sunglasses? Can you imagine? I told C. that for $350, I would expect the lense not to pop out. Hahahaha That's Mum.
We laughed so hard in the car on the way back and it was prompted by a retelling of her airplane ride. They had individual TV's so she was watching Frazier. She was laughing so hard (and you have to hear her laugh to really appreciate it, but it's v. infectious) that the woman next to her asked what she was watching. So then they were BOTH laughing. Loud. It's one of the things I appreciate about Mum: her cheerfulness, her optimism, her get-it-done attitude. WELCOME HOME, Mum! LOVE, :-) BNO.
P.S. If you want to travel to exotic places and build stuff, check out Habitat's Global Village program.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Flowers for Mum
Monday, September 8, 2008
Inspiring Blog Award
How cool is that? It was created by another blogger, Ida, also a fabulous photographer, with the suggestion to pass it on. I am going to have to figure out how to translate Norwegian so that I can effectively communicate to these 2 gals! So I'm passing it on to the blogs that I visit regularly:
Holly Brimhall: Mother, wife, sister, daughter, & photographer. She captures all the sweetness & optimism of the human spirit in her pictures. She has handled a difficult year with such GRACE--truly an inspiration.
Margot Potter: Bead Queen & so much more, for your daily dose of creative genius, inspiration, & "Super Girly Goodness." Margot ROCKS! And I discovered her through . . .
The Crafty Chica: Kathy brings her glittery sparkle to everything she does--and she does it all! She inspired me to build my first website. She prolly doesn't know that, but she is a champion for the DIYer.
B. Bliss: I adore this gal. Great photos & quotes, I love seeing the world through her eyes.
Lastly, to John Morgan. I know this award is a bit . . . er . . . floral, but you can get in touch with your feminine side. His Monday morning Grasshopper Notes ROCK & I read his blog every day, religiously. He really is a daily dose of *inspiration*
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Day of Rest
Friday, September 5, 2008
...if momentum or laziness or lack of will (or focus) is the thing holding you back, it's time to get serious. When you remove the one big thing from people's list of objections, your career and organization will take off….It just takes commitment ,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
2 Quotes & a Sunrise
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
If You Need a Good Laugh . . .
This is Brother D's youngest, Marlene. She is so smart and funny and sweet. Marlene! What are you doing? is a familiar refrain. I'll get it on video yet, my brother calls it her Guilty Dance; I wasn't doing anything wrong. See? I'm just dancing.
My favourite on here is her second pass down when she yells, "Awesome!!!" My brother makes a brief appearance to investigate. That can't be good for you sweetie, he says. Later that day we went shopping and I took footage of him riding the shopping cart in the parking lot. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :-)