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Friday, September 26, 2008

Yummy Pumpkins

Today's post was inspired by Duchess Dreams. She has a pumpkin cookie recipe on her blog. Last year, my friend Bess told me she had tried a pumpkin recipe and in the end, it just ended up tasting like sweet potato. I love sweet potatoes, so I thought I'd give it a go. Thus began my love affair with pumpkins. They are so versatile--they can go savory or sweet.

Here's what I do:
Cut the pumpkin in chunks and put on a cookie sheet. Cover with aluminum foil to keep it consistent. Bake at 350 for an hour or so.

You can eat it like you'd eat acorn squash: mashed with butter & a dash of salt.
I scoop out the flesh and put it in a big bowl & use a hand blender to smooth it out.
  • Add it to pancakes or muffins
  • For kids, you can use it in macaroni & cheese for added nutrition & fiber. They'll never know.
  • Pumpkin soup--lots of varieties: savory with basil, garlic, etc. Cream of pumpkin soup. You can also make it as a soup base to make veggie soup, chicken soup, etc. My favourite pumpkin soup is adding curry for a spicy Indian theme.
  • You can also go sweet: cinnamon, honey, butter
  • Serve it chilled, like a custard
Pumpkins are an easy & nutritious addition to your repertoire!
At the pumpkin patch (also with a corn maze!) they had these goats. How cool that they have a house they can climb on.
King of the Castle.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yum! Pumpkin and curry. I need breakfast now.

    I love goats! They make the coolest pets:)


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