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Friday, October 3, 2008

It would be funny if it weren't sad

GSF Kristina sent this to me last night, so I had to share. I just learned how to embed Youtube videos but it's been disabled. So here's a link. Tina Fey is hysterical as Sarah Palin. What makes this so funny (and sad) is that she is so accurate. These are 2 back-to-back clips with SNL's parody and then the real Katie Couric interview. Yikes.

GSF Bess & I are taking a massage therapy class together this weekend, so I won't be blogging until Monday. But I will have tales to tell when I get back. In the meantime, Margot Potter has created a new blog, with a craftier focus. Check it out if you're crafty or aspire to be. She's creative, smart, & wickedly funny.

Until Monday, then. Adieu. Parce que je blog mais pas quand je ne blog pas.* How's that for some kickin' franglais? ;-) H.

*Because I blog except when I don't.

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YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali