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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day of Rest


Here's a flower for Mum. I picked her up at the airport last night. You may remember our past airport disasters, but we've worked out the glitches. Anyway, with her permission, I will have an EXCLUSIVE Mum post tomorrow. The above photo comes from a v. sweet email from my friend Pam with a bit about her adventures in Puru, and it was too good not to share. So here you go:

If you are someone who loves garden design or if you are looking for a Holiday gift for a gardener..check out Carol Cumes’ brand new Chakra Garden book.

In October I stayed at Carol’s retreat center, the Wilka Tika in Peru and experienced her incredible garden creations. Carol was just back from a US trip when we arrived and she gave us the very first sneak peak at the book. The photography is beautiful and the book is abundant with information on building your own healing gardens.

While in Peru, Carol also invited us up to the remote Andean mountain school that her Children’s Fund supports. To met these amazing little spirits and actually SEE where the money goes was life changing for me. I saw firsthand how these children benefited from Carol’s big heart and all the people who have supported the fund.

I was delighted to learn that through a donation you can receive the Chakra Garden book as a gift…or you can just purchase it directly. All the info is on the website and you can take your own sneak peak at some of the pages. Also see info from Carol’s email attached below.

Here are two of my photos from the from the chakra gardens at the retreat and the other of some of the boys that we met at the school. It was an extraordinary experience and thank you for letting me share a little bit of it.

Puruvian school boys.

And this is from the author herself:

The seed of the Willka T'ika Children's Fund began over twenty-four

years ago, as my way of giving back to isolated mountain communities

high above the Sacred Valley. Our mission is to foster self-sufficiency

in remote communities in the Peruvian Andes and to that end we raise

funds to improve educational facilities, build libraries and schoolrooms

for primary and secondary education, provide supplemental nutrition and

hot meals for children, and provide emergency medical attention.

Together we can all have a positive impact on the Earth by finding our

way back to the Garden. Together we can have a tremendous positive

impact on the lives of Quechua children. Some of the ongoing projects

funded through the Willka T'ika Children's Fund include the building of

a secondary school, funding for a Young Women's Academy and the creation

of an extracurricular program in art, music, English and business skills

for gifted and talented children. These are ambitious programs that can

only succeed with funding provided through donations and book sales.

HAPPY DAY OF REST, everyone!

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