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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A day of WOW's

What a day yesterday, huh? Even if you're not an Obama fan, he gives quite the inspirational speech. Can you imagine him helping his daughters with their homework?

Sasha, many before you have tooooooiled with their science projects but they have prevailed! And so will you, for today is a new day of hope for not just you, but aaaaaahll children in our great nation. God bless America!

Kidding aside, I was so inspired by his grace and el-O-quence. And Yo-Yo Ma's cello--HEAVEN! I was lost in the beauty-of-the-moment. WOW!

And then . . . THEN! There was this:

I was on the phone with John talking about the inauguration: Blah blah blah el-O-quent, blah blah blah inspirational . . . and he says, "Did you see that HAT?" Hat? What hat? There was a hat? What do you say to this? WOW. I know that our convo was typical of lots of people. I had the same one with Ex-XM Radio Guy. Great speech . . . Did you see that hat?

Ah, yes. A time of healing. A time of hope. A time of hats. God bless America!

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