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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quote-of-the-day and . . . .

Mum models the sweater that she'll never knit again! You start at the sleeve and knit it from there. No seams or pieces. V. impressive!

I've been staying at Mum's this week. We have a fierce wind going on that started last night. Fierce! And a sideways rain that washed my car so I don't have to. Mum is out the door at 5 a.m. and called me from work later.

Mum: Hi dahling, I don't know if you're going out today, but I just wanted to call and let you know there's a tree blocking the road.
Me: How did you get out then?
Mum: Well, you just have to drive through the field. Of course it was dark and I had to back up aaaaaaaaaaaall the way up the road. But perhaps you'll be able to see if it's still there in the daylight.

OK, then. I of course made a joke about her moving the tree herself. Quote-for-the-day:

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. Marion C. Garretty

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