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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Treasure Hunt

It started at the Dollar Tree when I was getting wrapping paper. I saw V-Day cards and thought I'd get some for my sibs & nieces/nephews. I included candy necklaces and Chicklets. I sent those off to Pioneer Sister. But since I was going to visit Brother D over the weekend . . . one of my nieces requested a treasure hunt. Good idear! I love treasure hunts. Growing up, we would have rhyming clues hidden all over Skymont at Halloween and other holidays. When my stepsons were young, I'd do Easter basket treasure hunts and send them all over the place. Brother D's kids love horses and pictured above is a small representation of their collection, with all the clues, ready to hide: in Mum's car, out in the yard, in the laundry room, etc. How can we make this even more funner? Turn it into a treasure hunt.

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