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Friday, March 20, 2009

HAPPY Anniversary, Peter!

Today is the one year anniversary of HARO, Help A Reporter Out. This is a free service that links up reporters from all media genres to sources (e.g. y-o-u). Queries come 3 times a day and if you qualify as an expert, you answer them. There are different categories: business, travel, lifestyle, etc. I just recently answered one about labyrinths. And here's an article on dreaming pets that features a picture of Barkley! I've FW'd different queries to friends & fam as they apply. Everyone's an expert at something! Some queries will be specific: e.g. looking only to talk with doctors & acupuncturists. Others are asking for experiences from regular people. The pet dreaming article references both.

HARO was created by Peter Shankman, PR Guy & author of Can We Do That? AWESOME book, BTW. If you are a writer, entrepreneur, or have an expertise in something, become a HARO member & sign up here. Query emails are easy to whip through and Peter keeps them v. entertaining. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, PETER! :-) H.

1 comment:

YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali