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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hypnosis for Half-Price!

Want to


in time for bathing suit season? Guess what?!

YAY!!! We're having a sale!

If you've been wondering about our products, now is the time to CHECK US OUT!

The next CD isn't just for weight-loss. It's for anyone who has body-image problems--which is most of America. The great thing about this one is that there's a bonus CD that you can play in the car, at work, etc. You can't do that with the others because one of the first things he says is, "Close your eyes." Anyway, this is one of those that I listen to periodically to keep myself on track. I just started a new exercise program (more on that next week!) and this gave me the BOOST that I needed:

I love all his CD's, but this is my favourite:

When I first started working for him, I had just moved, was under a tremendous amount of stress, and blah blah blah. He did this process with me over the phone and then sent me the CD. The perpetual knot that I had in my stomach for months, melted away. This is another one of those CD's that I go back to again and again. It's the gift that keeps giving! And it's one of my CD's that I travel with. For those who are all i-Poddy, you can now download everything now, too.

Speaking of traveling, I'm on my way to NYC for a Jerry Stocking course. So I won't be blogging again until next Thursday. In the meantime, pop over to John Morgan Seminars and check out our sale. Just in time for Father's Day or Fido's birthday or to relaaaaaax . . . .

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