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Friday, August 21, 2009

New Labyrinth Painting

When I got into labyrinths, I built the Cretan/Classical because it was easy and didn't require math. This is my first attempt at drawing the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth. I've always been partial to the Cretan one prolly because it's the one I'm most familiar with. I'm rather enjoying this new one--less predictable when I'm tracing it with my finger. Where am I? I lose track and can't figure it out. It will be a painting. Eventually.

My nephew, Dimples, who is 8, is sitting here with me and says, "You could make copies of this and sell it and make money." Yes. Yes I could. "Maybe you could even put it in the newspaper." That's his marketing side coming out. ;-) Mum & I are heading to the Brother D's with Pioneer Sister's kiddliewinks today. And then! To the beach at the crack of dawn tomorrow.

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