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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Skymont Hike

Jerry Caplin, an old theatre friend from my Wayside daze, used to introduce me as, "This is Halimah. She used to live in a dome." There were a total of 4 domes: 2 large ones, & 2 smaller ones. We lived in one of the larger ones, and then Daniel & Ruth each had a separate dome.

Sunday a.m., what started off as a dog walk down the road, ended in a hike around our old stomping grounds. Down past Hangman's Tree--well-pruned, but HUGE!

Down the hill from where we used to live, this is what's left of Daniel's dome, the upper part:

Here's the road up to our house; more of a trail now:

We followed a new road up the hill toward the domes, and it ended here:

Ruth's dome, the only one left, in it's original place. Now attached to a trailer.

As we were standing there on this quiet, early Sunday a.m., my phone rang. Yikes! So then we walked down a bit and followed a trail up. It was the old road that led down to the A-Frame House. And, this is the little hill that led up to our house. I can't remember who hit whom in the lip with the clip board--Atlasta or chiro-sister, but this is the scene of the crime.

Another view of Ruth's dome:

And then we headed back down . . .

Quite the trip down memory lane. Lots of 'member whens? :-)

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