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Monday, October 5, 2009

Fleamarket Daze

I collect quotes. I've tried to keep them in notebooks, but invariable they get shelved or I don't have them when I need them. So I've taken to writing them on recipe cards. Those are easy to carry in my purse, have at my desk, etc. The quote below is the one I pulled for today's post:

What sort of decisions do you make when no one's looking? ~Seth Godin

I went to the flea market this weekend. I got a new rug for my art studio & a v. cool wicker dining set. Oh! And a bread knife that I was in desperate need of so that I didn't have to hack thru Mum's GF bread. Toward the end of my shopping, there was a knife set with those kind of knives they have at Outback. Nice, sturdy--will also hack thru bread. Well. I was going to get a set of 6, and the seller was going to throw in a set of forks, as well. Who doesn't need more forks? For $3. It just gets better and better!

Until it doesn't. He leans in and says in a hushed tone, "I'm a thief. I get them from a steakhouse. Drives my wife crazy."

What would you do? He was packing them up in a bag.

"Oooooohhhhh. I wish you hadn't told me that." And I didn't get them. No judgement on Thief Guy, but . . . well. No utilitarian-last-forever steak knives for me.

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