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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Woodstove Move

In with the new . . .

Out with the old . . .

I had no idea HOW we were going to do it, but we managed to switch out my woodstove with one that I can operate. And by "we," I mean Neighbor Dave & Fisherman Willie.

The "I'm-so-fancy-with-my-catalytic-converter" woodstove was too complicated. It was nice if I could get it lit. If. Really, it's not because I'm blonde. Not even Pioneer Sister could do it. It was designed for someone who likes to tinker with machines & whatnot. That's not me. I'm a non-tinkerer. So now I have an easy stove. I put the wood in with the kindling, and poof! You have fire!

THANKS to Neighbor Dave & Willie for all your help. The girls & I appreciate being nice and toasty by the fire.

Fire??? Kidding.

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