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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cafe Press Calendars

I've been working on 3 different calendars for different friends. Here's a sneakpeek of the cover of one. It's photos from this year that I've taken along my road.

Photo on right is the beginning of our road. There's Fisherman Willie on the top right, and just below is the back of his wife's head as we were heading back from picking blackberries. Summer seems very far away right now!

This is a shot from across from where Fisherman Willie fishes. In the summertime, people hang out on that little peninsula. My friend Paula-of-Overall calls it "Overall Beach." I'm thinking I'll get some summery photos next season and make postcards. Greetings from Overall Beach. ;-)

The next calendar is for my friends who own the Chestnut House just up the road from me. They also own the house I live in. So I did a combination of photos from the first calendar with ones of the house thru the seasons.

This is an animal collage that I didn't use, so I'm posting it here:

There's the baby woodpecker I rescued after it flew into my bay window. And the motherless fawn who came to visit, and the bear is on the lower left. No, really! That's a bear! If I can figure out how to add the calendar to my Cafe Press Store, I'll put a link on the side bar & have these available to buy.

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