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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Shower

Chiro-sister is expecting her first child, & this weekend was her baby shower. Here's Ruthie with a cutout of Ellen, who is in the middle of campaigning for world domination. You can go to her website & down load her picture & then take pictures with it in different locations.

Hahahaha in utero

Ruthie's been feathering the nest. Here are a coupla pix from the baby's room:

One of Ruthie's stained glass pieces. You can't read it, but
there are little tiles on there that say, "LOVE YOU."

Chakra flags & a Ganesh print.

The party was at friend Ophe's. And this gives you an idea of how uber-cool Ophe is; how awesome is this?

Shouldn't everyone have a disco ball in their living room?

Ophe's stained glass piece from Ruthie.

Everything was gluten-free, of course. Mum made one of her famous carrot cakes & left me to decorate. She gave me baggies of nuclear colours & no cake decorating instruments. I had planned on doing something wrecky, especially after this divinely-timed, baby shower Cakewrecks post, but it really did end up wrecky. No one commented on the mispelling. They must have politely thought I didn't do it on purpose. Here's the explanation for sprinkles. No explanation for "red hearts" except that the baby is due on Valentine's Day. Awwww!

Is it a boy? Girl? We don't know yet. Unlike many
designer births, it's going to be a surprise.

The daughter of Ruthie's belly dancer teacher made her a crown with metallic pipe cleaners:

This was the funniest thing, & I wish I had it on video. Ruth kept saying, "Wait--how do these work? It's a pacifier? It stays on your finger? What?"

Since Ruthie is waiting to find out the gender of the baby, Ellen put on her Psychic Hat. She thinks it's a boy. Then she told me the lottery numbers for next Thursday.

I predict you will have an easy birth, says Ellen to Ruth.


YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali