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Thursday, February 25, 2010


Last fall, I had the good fortune to take a one-day class with the FABULOUS Claudine Hellmuth. We had a great time playing with solvents and creating unique collage paper. Here is my first effort:

I love the textures and the colours. I love the image of the half-nude woman facing the women in burkas. This is my second one. I was creating a background. When I remarked to a fellow participant that I wasn't finding the images I needed for the collage part, she said, "Maybe it's supposed to be an abstract." So here is my abstract:

When I was without electricity, I started an altered book using many of the pages that I had created in the workshop. More to come . . . .


  1. Must say the abstract collage looks great, love the muted tones you've used, it would look great as a large print.


  2. Thanks, Sue! And thanks for stopping by! :-) H.


YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali