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Saturday, May 1, 2010

World Labyrinth Day

It occurs to me that when I first started this blog, it was at the beginning of my creating labyrinth seminars, etc. I had just released The Healing Labyrinth Path CD and created my labyrinth website. I was doing all-things-labyrinth, even tho I'm a massage therapist, etc. So that's why I'm "Labyrinth Gal." That said, I realize I've not written anything labyrinth-related in a while. Recent readers would think it's more about my dogs. ;-)

Today, people around the world will be walking labyrinths at 1 p.m. their time.

You can find a labyrinth near you here. Check out The Labyrinth Society here. You can also do some labyrinth-related crafty things. Here are a few ideas from my labyrinth website. Here's a Cretan/Classical labyrinth that you can print & trace with your finger:

Rules of the labyrinth:

Follow all the way to the center and then back out again.
Start with an intention, or not.
You can say a prayer, mantra, affirmation, etc. as you're walking thru.

Here are a few labyrinth pix. This was my first labyrinth in WV. HUGE!

Kinda hard to tell, huh? About 50 ft. across.

Winter time.

Second labyrinth at River House, thru the seasons:

Center cross of labyrinth, with heart rock from WV labyrinth.

Remington, my treasure in the labyrinth. :-)

Have a BEAUTIFUL day, everyone. BLESSINGS on your path!

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