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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So yesterday was a GORGEOUS day; warm, breezy & summerish. I let the dogs out for their afternoon walk 'n' plop, & sat down on the back porch. [note to Mum: this is NOT another M&M post, keep reading!] Every once in a while, the girls will venture down the driveway . . .  

No really, Mum. Keep reading!  


So the girls are hanging out by the ramp, and I snapped this pic because they were oblivious to the deer just off in the woods. And I'm on the porch, reading a magazine. I look over to the laundry line,  & I see one of the girls over there. Except . . .

It wasn't a dog.

YIKES!  It was the biggest BEAR I've ever seen!

This was the only pic I could manage to get of him as he was lumbering off. 

'member the bear I saw last summer?  Waaay bigger! 

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