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Monday, September 6, 2010

M&M Monday

 HAPPY Labor Day!

I usually write M&M Monday & pre-post on Sunday. Today I'm writing in real time. We are coming up on our one-year anniversary together, and I marvel at how much I love these girls and how grateful I am for them. Here's a sweet pic of Maggie from yesterday trotting up the ramp:


These are from this morning. Do you notice something?

Besides the Sniff Fest going on . . . that's right, leaves on the ground. Fall is starting to . . . fall. Speaking of sniffing, here's Millie:

I love watching her sniff. Did you know that when you cook, dogs can smell each individual ingredient? They smell everything. So what a delicious thing for them to be outside --squirrels and deer and bears, oh my!  Speaking of . . .

Maggie led the chase! Of course they had scampered away before the girls got there.


Millie all tuckered out after the chase:

Look at that squishy-face. So SWEET.  :-)

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