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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PLAY Quote

The above is a quote from the book  Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul. If you click on the link, you'll find a wonderful interview with the author on the site, as well.. I haven't read the book yet, but as an educator, I always thought the best way to learn is thru play. Because it's just more funner for me as a teacher, and for the student. And I like the idea that there is scientific research to back me up for appearing to be frivolous. To quote Dr. Seuss: These things are fun, and fun is good.  Or something like that.

So you know what's funny? There's a review of the book entitled, "Meh."

Highlighted bits for my own amusement:

I really like the premise of this book, but it seemed a bit too "touchy-feely" or even fluffy - I was looking for a bit more grounded information about play, a bit more of the science behind it. What is presented here is definitely accessible, and probably is great for people that don't really understand "why play?". However, for someone involved in the field, the reading is a bit too light.

Oh the delicious irony!  It's so . . .  serious in tone. Because a book about play needs to be un-fluffy and heavy. This field s/he's involved in: is it a PLAYing field?

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