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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Convo with Mum

A couple weeks ago, Mum came to help me clean my windows. And by "help," I mean, she cleaned. And I cooked. Anyway, she's v. thorough and industrious and gets every-last-spot. So I have sparkling windows, and she got a good meal out of the deal.

She'll be looking at this and saying, "Yes, but I still know there's a slight streak where I couldn't reach!"
So we were taking a break, having a proper cup of tea, and she looks over at this:

Mum: What are your plans for that hideous poodle?
Me: Plans? I need plans?
Mum: Yes. Plans. What are you going to do with it?
Mum: You're not going to keep it.
Me: Yes?
Mum: [eye roll] I cahn't stand people who dress up their dogs in frilly things. They're dogs.
Me: I think that's supposed to be the poodley-part of the poodle. It's not a skirt.
Mum: Well, it's wearing ear-rings.
Me: I think they're the ears.
Mum: Well! Then they shouldn't be so sparkley!

Good thing she didn't see the other artwork stacked behind it:

Sparkley.  ;-)
Back to more windows:

And another PTB (Proper Tea Break) and the convo goes:

Crown Wearin' Mary
Mum: What's that statue with the crown?
Me: That's Mother Mary.
Mum: Well, I know that. 
Me: Then why did you ask?
Mum: What's it doing there?
Me: In the window?
Mum: Why do you have it?
Me: Because I like it?
Mum: [eye roll & a something indiscernible about dust-catching-useless-knick-knacks]  *sigh*

And then it was to The Poodle: Part 2:

Mum: What are those things at the bottom?
Me: The feet?
Mum: No! Those golf-clubby things!
Me: The feet?
Mum: Well, they certainly don't look like feet.

THANKS, MUM!  For the laughs and the cleaning and all of everything that makes me so grateful that you're my mother!  :-)

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