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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gratitude Pictoral

Walks in Autumn

Millie & Maggie

Birthday celebrations with Mum

Chiro-sister all snurgley-shmushy-faced with baby. Awww. And whose diapers I don't have to change. :-)

At Mum's birthday with Brother Atlasta & assorted nephews 'n' nieces.

My labyrinth that Chiro-sister helped me build.

The Goo Goo Dolls

My sweet Remi
Barkley & Vixen

Bruce Lipton!
Chloe Wordsworth  :-)

Wood for my wood stove! (And how to impress Mum)

Funny & insightful.

Wintertime sunrises.

Winter Beauty


Red bud trees on my road in the spring.

Apple blossoms

M&M enJOYing Springtime after a long winter.

Remi, my treasure in the labyrinth.

Mum, dog tolerator.

4-leaf clovers.

Locust blossoms & locust honey. YUM.

Millie so happy.
My sweet Maggie.


My driveway.

Perching hummingbirds.

Mum vizzies.

Lazy-dazy days down by the river.

Lazy-days summer laundry days & dogs hanging out.

Hummingbirds on my back porch.

Back porch days with M&M

My sweet River House.  :-)

Thru all the seasons.  :-)

Warm & coziness in wintertime.


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