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Monday, November 22, 2010

M&M Monday

Maggie went thru another can't-walk-vertigo spell a few days ago, so I took her for a chiropractic adjustment and lasering and now she can walk again. Afterwards, I did a quick stop at Walmart. After I parked, the girls sat up to see where we were. Then they looked out the window & both started whining. "What are they looking at?" I thought. I follow their eyes and way across the parking lot is a tall man with a shaved head looking very much like Gareth from Mystic Pet:

Gareth with the girls.
But it wasn't Gareth. (Sorry no pic of random shaved-head-guy). We did stop by Mystic Pet on the way home for treats and hellos, but Gareth wasn't there. So then we headed home . . .

On the way back from our chiro-visit. I stopped to take a few pix and Millie looks out at the cows.

Early Morning Walk.

Sweet Maggie.

It's a nose-off! Oh, wait. Zzzzzz . . . .

We're in hunting season and guns are going off, so Maggie sports her Thunder Shirt.

Maggie is still unsteady and looks like a drunken sailor when she walks, but I don't have to lug-carry her down the ramp. She has a left lateral head tilt and tends to lean that way. So this week she's been leaning against my leg, and I have a towel to support her back legs.

Maggie hanging out. I just leave the towel under her until it's time to go back in. 
 Unless . . . 

She gets up & goes over to her favourite bush and plops down.

Yesterday afternoon it was so nice I thought I'd let the girls stay out a bit and sun themselves. I also thought I'd take the opportunity to sneak back in and vacuum the LR without them barking at the vacuum cleaner. I finished vacuuming and just in time; there's Millie on the porch, ready to come in. Except it wasn't Millie, it was Maggie. YAY, her!  She's getting better again.

Here's Millie hanging out on the front porch. It's been such a gorgeous week!
The girls are fascinated with the woodshed. Every so often they are in their sniffing around the wood piles. I figure they're smelling the squirrels that go in there. However, the other day Mum had come for a vizzie, & I was walking her out to the car. "Do you hear that?" I asked. "What?" she said. "That," I said. We both listened. "Sounds like a cat," we said. And there it was, on top of a woodpile in the wood shed. I didn't get a picture of it, but it came around again yesterday afternoon:

I thought it had lost its tail, but Neighbor Sue says it could be a cross between a house cat & a bobcat. It's tame, so it must belong to someone . . . .

Here are the girls, watching the cat.

Maggie lost interest, but Millie stays.

And plants herself.
And that's our exciting week!

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