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Monday, December 20, 2010

M&M Monday

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . .

Mum's Xmas tree assembled before disassembling to move the family Xmas party to her house, due to snow.

See? Here's the snow:


Maggie loves to dive right in for some snow yumminess.

Maggie leads the way back up the ramp. By herself, no vertigo-wobbliness. :-)

*sniff* The girls investigate the cat house before heading in.  *sniff*

I have a Santa hat, so I was playing around with Maggie & managed to get a shot. Not that she looks terribly happy about wearing it!

Merry Christmas!

So then I tried with Millie. The photos ended up being a blur of red as she shook the hat off her head. But I finally managed a couple pix:

Zzzzzz . . . .

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