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Friday, January 28, 2011

Funny Friday

I have an appreciation for humor. I often say it's the spice of life, but really, it's a major food group. The best is what I think of as "real world" humor; things that happen in daily life that are just funny. Babies laugh an average of 300 times a day; the average adult? 15. Click HERE for a full article on why laughter is important. Seriously.  Putting your humor goggles on doesn't cost a thing, and it makes the world a much more funner place to be. (Yeah, I know, Grammar Nazis). So here's some real world humor: I introduced John Morgan to the wonderful world of quinoa, a v. delicious GF grain. Easy to cook, with a nutty flavor; yummy hot or cold.

John: Key-what?
Me: Keen-wa.
John: Key-wa?

And then John's son saw the mystery grain. And this is what it's called in the House of Morgan:

Keanu: so yummy.
Update: Mum was reading this and said, "Keen-u?"
Me: It's pronounced Kee-ON-u.
Mum: What's a Keanu? Oh, wait. Isn't that someone in the entertainment industry?
Me: Yes, an actor.  [Click HERE.]

 Anyway, John sent me that picture & it reminded me of Brother Atlasta's labeling efforts:

In this case, it really is a spice of life.
May today be a FUN & funny Friday for you!  :-) H.

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