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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tabby Bobcat

I think I've been adopted by a cat. When she came to me a few weeks ago, she was v. skinny. FF to now; clearly she is not starving. Neighbor Sue had suggested she might be a bobcat mix. Her grandmother had barn cats that were.

Walking the railing. She does this a lot! 

Climbing up.
 I did the Googley thing & it turns out that she's not just any stray bobcat-mix, she's called a Pixie Bob. There's even an official Pixi-Bob website. According to the information I've read, she's fairly young because her eyes are still green, and as she matures, they're supposed to turn golden. She's v. friendly & purrs like a buzz saw. Apparently she's not supposed to meow, but she does. Only she says, "Mow." Rhymes with cow. It's v. funny. She also likes to chase things. If I throw an apple core off the back porch, she goes running after it. According to the site, they can fetch.

She was obviously socialized. She's getting more used to the dogs, but she doesn't really like to hang out with them when she comes in:

Tum de dum.
 She likes to dart back to my bedroom & plant herself on my bed. When I go back to retrieve her, she starts with the buzz saw purring.

And so begins Tabby Bobcat Tuesdays. Kidding. No Tabby Bobcat Tuesdays. *snort* I just wanted to see Mum's eyes rolling over the internet.  ;-)


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