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Monday, February 7, 2011

M&M Monday

Hangin' in the LR

Here's Millie draped across the box top propper-upper for her food bowl.
Millie gazing out the window.  What is she looking at?

Neighbor Dave on the tractor.

Meanwhile, Maggie watches Tabby Bobcat at the watering bowl. Maggie has a love-hate relationship with her. "We don't like cats." She's a cat tolerator.
Millie dozing . . . .

Maggie sidles up & sits between Millie & her food bowl, feigning innocence.


Grrrr . . . .

"Hmph! Do you see what she does?" Millie's thinking.

But then . . . Zzzzzz . . . . 

Slurp-slurp. When Maggie had her vertigo, I gave her water in this little bowl & so now she still gets it. I have to keep it filled because she won't go to the big bowl.  I can hear someone saying, "She would if she were thirsty enough!" 

I feed her on a paper plate because she doesn't like the noise of the metal bowl. So here we go . . .

Grrrr . . . Millie is snoozing away, & Maggie's starting the Grr-Game.
 But then:

Zzzzzz . . . .

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