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Monday, February 28, 2011

M&M Monday

M&M Thru the Seasons
Spring is springing! My daffodils are peaking thru the dirt and we've had some warmish days. I was going thru some pictures and realized that I've had M&M here at the River House longer than Barkley & Remi were with me here. M&M are really doing better than ever. Maggie's vertigo is like it never happened. They're both still a bit creaky, but they are as cheerful as ever. Millie has been especially waggier lately.
This is the first picture I took of the girls. I don't think I've ever posted it:
Kathie from AARF with the girls.
We are going from wintery daze . . . 

of plopping down . . . 

and eating snow . . .

to lazy-dazy summer days:

Sweet Maggie

We've had some porch days already. Millie's favourite!

Millie on the hill overlooking the front field.

Trotting down the driveway. Come on back, now, girls!
Millie hanging out on laundry day.

Beginning of Autumn.

Sweet Millie.
And then we are back inside, snuggled up, all warm & toasty by the wood stove.

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