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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day of Rest

Mum came for a vizzie on Thursday & we were surprised to see snow up on top of the mountain, but not here in the valley.

Up toward the right. See? [Click on photo to see]
But then I awoke this morning to find this:

I guess the weather people with their Storm Watch were sort of right. Not the 3 inches reported, but a nice frosting.

View of clothesline & driveway. *sigh* Looking FW to those breezy laundry days!

Almost empty wood shed.

View off the back porch.

Snow bird in the hummingbird tree.

Woodpecker at the bird feeder.

Back porch door. Xmas Fa la la la decals add a sense of whimsy & a touch of Xmas cheer year round. [Read with HGTV home decor show voice over]

View out kitchen window yesterday.

View this a.m.
View from living room yesterday.
View from LR this a.m.

Tabby Bobcat paw prints.
Snow laden Forsythia.

I bet the forsythia is surprised!

Feelin' a bit frostay.

Perfect day to have the *twinkle* lights on.  :-)

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