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Friday, May 27, 2011

My New Home

I've been looking for a new home closer to Chiro-sister & Brother Atlasta for a while now. I've been limited in the location (within 15 minutes of Brother Atlasta) & my price-range. I was a bit discouraged when I went house-hunting a coupla weeks ago; nothing really seemed to be my house. There were a couple I could have made work, but nothing where I felt like I wanted to settle into for at least a decade. Apparently my house hadn't come onto the market, yet. But it just did & I knew when I saw it: This is IT.

At the driveway: Dobson Frog!

Down the driveway to the house, well off the main road.
LOVE the front porch! Isn't it a happy house?

View to the side where I'll put the dog ramp, and beyond that, the labyrinth in the yard.

Another frog by the front porch.  :-)
View off the front porch, toward the driveway.

Back porch!

Back yard. You can't see it now, but there's a lake thru the trees.
Another view of the back yard. See the bear? Kidding. It's a charred stump.

I have a lot of my favourite trees; red bud, tulip polar . . . .
 And then!
I found a 4-leaf clover!
As I was waiting for Janet, my real estate friend to get there, I thought I'd walk back up the driveway & see if I could find a heart rock . . .
No luck with a heart ROCK, but here's mulch in the shape of a heart. :-)
 Janet pulled up to the house, rolled down her window & said, "This is it!" I said, "I know!" 
So then we went inside . . .

Wood stove!!!  :-)

Living room, looking toward front door. On the other side of the couch is a dog crate with the sweetest little chiwow-wow/Jack Russel mix. Such a cutie!

The kitchen has an entrance on either side of this divider wall, with the TV.
And . . .
Here's the AWESOME kitchen! 
Everything is move-in ready & the space is perfect! All I need to do is put up a clothesline in the backyard and order a cord of wood...but lots to do in the next coupla months before the big move! But I'm over the moon, and beyond excited!  YAY, me!

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