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Thursday, May 19, 2011


I was out with Brother Atlasta & my SIL called him. He said, "OK, before we go home, we have to stop at the grocery store." So we go into the store, and this is what he gets:

Ice cream & wine. The important stuff you'd get if a big snowstorm were coming.
Also at the grocery store:

These came in 2 sizes; 9 inches & 14 inches.
The next day I went shopping with chiro-sister:

Nothing screams "coaster," like carpet.
Of course, whether it's a coaster or carpet, it all ends up in baby's mouth!

Hey!  Gimme that!

"Comfort width? WTF?" said Chiro-sis.

Chiro-sis & baby demonstrate "Comfort Width."

This pic is on the side of a shelf of bread & bagels. I  call her the Gluten Chipmunk.

Because tractors are a main consideration when choosing hats, lawn equipment, & SNACKS.

Ugh. This goes with the dusty 2-hour shoes in my closet.

Relaxed 'n' Groovy Buddha.
aaaaaand back in the parking lot:

This guy's a 7.   Hahahahaha 

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