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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Few Collages

I've done a few collages recently. I just pulled a bunch of phrases, images, & colours (from O Magazines) that caught my eye and put them all together fairly quickly; didn't think about it too much . . .

Cover of my journal.  [Click on pix to embiggen]

I love the colours of these 2 pages. I only added a coupla things to the page on the left. Such a great illustration for getting rid of "baggage."  Love the tea cup pic on the second page.

V. naturey.

Summer!  And I love the quote, "Believe you can do anything at least once a day."

Again, I did these 2 pages at the same time. The second page is just a page from O Magazine, but I love how the colours coordinate.

Summer!  One of my favourite things is popsicles.

Most of my poetry rhymes, but I think I was channeling Maya Angelou. I called chiro-sis Ruth & read it to her over the phone, doing my best Maya impression--which was pretty easy to do since I've had laryngitis all week.

Haven't finished this one yet, but I love the quote and the cake is so deliciously BEAUTIFUL.  It was Oprah's 10th anniversary for the magazine.

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