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Monday, July 11, 2011

M&M Monday

My GSF Bess from massage school & Husband Val came for a vizzie over the weekend. Here the girls are greeting them:

*sniff*  Hullo   *sniff*  *sniff*

Millie's spidey-senses were tingling. "Another massage therapist in the house!"
Aaaaaaand . . .

Millie finds her opportunity on the way back in from the porch.

"Why did you stop?"

Bess demonstrates proper body mechanics.

In the meantime, Tabby Bobcat found a new fan:

Zzzzzz . . . .

Yesterday, Mum came over for a vizzie to deliver homemade GF bread. Millie was coming back up the ramp but heard her car, so she settled in to watch Mum:

Mum also redid all the cushions on my wicker furniture, so she was bringing the rest of them over. Millie sits right in the way, of course. "Hullo."
Mum gives Maggie a gingerly pat hello:

I see from this post that Maggie is woefully underrepresented!  Will remedy that next week. ;-)

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