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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

GranAnne Boot Camp

A few years ago, Mum & I were babysitting for Brother Atlasta & he & chiro-sister were joking & calling it "GranAnne's Boot Camp." Well, the name stuck. The week before her birthday, Mum had the eldest 6 of 7 nieces & nephews at her house.

Side note here: We grew up with notes all around the house & the car; mostly about not eating, drinking, leaving a mess, etc. The one in the car was particularly spectacular & is emblazoned in my memory:

or drinking in this vehicle. 
The queen has spoken.

I'm embellishing with that last line, but it was implied. Anyway, here was the note she posted for GranAnne's Boot Camp.

After a week of fun with Mum, the kiddliewinks came to my house for a sleepover. I had them all draw pictures & write about their favourite things they did with GranAnne. Then I made it into a book for her. Here are a coupla letters:
Yes. Thak you!

This is cute--doesn't include any boy cousins.
I hosted a party for Mum's b-day the day before her b-day. Her actual b-day was the next day, so I went over & spent the day with her. I gave her the GranAnne's Boot Camp 2011 book:

This is the card I made to go with it.

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