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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Update from the New Homestead

I just downloaded my most recent photos--all 248!  So here are just a few:

Maggie & Millie in the new yard.

Tabby has found a new scratching place.

Maggie on the front porch, Tabby down below.

First full day here. Millie on the back porch. She really misses her window in the River House LR!

All 3 in the back yard.

A familiar sight: M&M snoozing away in my office.

View out my office window. Why did I take this photo?

I was getting a pic of Tabby.


Chiro-sis came for a vizzie with baby Rowan--who is v. BAI (Busy And Important) on the phone. Maggie in the foreground.

Tabby being child-friendly.

Demonstrating how the dog ramp works & clapping each time! He kept coming up . . .

. . . and going down!
And that's all I got for now.

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