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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Few Fall Pix

Am woefully lacking in the blog dept. I never even mentioned I was in the October issue of Reader's Digest. Too late, November is out now. I found out when I went to the Cakewrecks book signing last Friday night in Richmond. Oh yeah, that's another post!  And have abandoned M&M Mondays now that I'm down to only one M.  :-(    I also dismantled the River House labyrinth on Sunday with chiro-sister. Will get caught up. Sometime. In the meantime, a few autumn-yummy-fall-foilage pix from my back yard:

Dogwood tree.

Leaves just starting to be fallish. See the bear? Kidding. That's the stump that Lawmower Paul moved out of the yard. It reminds me of the bears from the River House, & it kinda looks like Maggie from the back with her head tilt. From the office window, it looks like Remi from behind, looking over the lake.  :-) 

Misty morning. 

This is one of my favourite views. 

Back up the path.

I see hearts wherever I go. 

I heart Maggie.  And her eye dots.  :-)


  1. Hali.. your new place is are very blessed..

  2. Hi Joy!
    SO BLESSED! Will let you know when the guest room is ready. :-) H.


YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali