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Monday, December 26, 2011

Maggie on Monday

It's much warmer here than it was at the River House. Maggie likes to hang out in the yard.

Eye dots!


Her spot by the rose bush.

Rose bush from the front angle.

So I got festive and took some Christmasy photos:

These are the best ones where she didn't shake the hat off her head!

lick lick 

sniff sniff

More eye dot action!
We had a quick vizzie from nephew Rowan:

She's so good with him and he is so sweet with her!
And that was our week. Pleasantly uneventful and ordinary. She's so funny. I finally realized that sometimes when she barks at the door, it's not because she wants to go out but it's because she hears the cat on the porch wanting to come in. Sure enough, there's Tabby whipping in as soon as I open the door!  :-)

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